
Showing posts from January, 2024

Images from Harlots, Whores & Hackabouts

 These images are all from Harlots, Whores & Hackabouts (2021) by Kate Lister. These are intended only examples for review.

PopSugar's Reading Challenge 2024

2024 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompts A book with the word "leap" in the title A bildungsroman A book about a 24-year-old A book about a writer A book about K-pop A book about pirates A book about women's sports and/or by a woman athlete A book by a blind or visually impaired author A book by a deaf or hard-of-hearing author A book by a self-published author - 365 A book from a genre you typically avoid A book from an animal's POV - The Salmon Who Dared to Leap Higher A book originally published under a pen name A book recommended by a bookseller A book recommended by a librarian A book set 24 years before you were born A book set in a travel destination on your bucket list A book set in space A book set in the future A book set in the snow - Winter Yakuza (I am never looking at snowmen the same way) A book that came out in a year that ends with "24" A book that centers on video games A book that features dragons - Big Panda and Tiny Dragon A book that